
Resources from the Catapult Institute Webinar: Branding & Strategic Narrative – Part Two

Written by Admin | Nov 29, 2020 6:11:00 PM

Today we hosted Part Two of the Catapult Institute Webinar: Branding & Strategic Narrative. In this session, led by Tomas Alvarez, Managing Partner and Strategy Lead at Idea2Form, participants were introduced to numerous frameworks that will help them construct a bold brand and strategic narrative. This was an interactive virtual session with breakout rooms and a chance for nonprofit leaders to discuss questions, learn from one another and report out to the entire group.

If you saw it and want to re-watch or if you missed it, not to worry! You can access the recording and presentation by clicking the links below.

Webinar Recording: Branding & Strategic Narrative for Nonprofits, Part 2
Presentation Slides: Branding & Strategic Narrative for Nonprofits, Part 2

You will also find the worksheets that were used in the presentation. Click below to open and print so you can continue working on your branding strategy!

Branding Assessment Questions Worksheet
Manifesto Template
Strategic Narrative Assessment Questions Worksheet