Capacity Building Resources

#MMMYL - Suzanne Parchment

Written by kelly Fliller | Dec 27, 2021 4:34:22 PM

Meet Suzanne Parchment, Talent Management Administrator & Manager of Programs at Fulfill and our featured #MondayMorningMeetYourLeaders leader! Read more about Suzanne, her leadership style, journey into the nonprofit world and how she likes to spend her free time!

How do you navigate the 6 “C”s of Nonprofit Sea Change? (Capacity, Curiosity, Conversation, Collaboration, Creativity, and Compassion)
Fulfill’s mission is to alleviate hunger and build food security in Monmouth & Ocean Counties and to make sure that all people at all times have access to enough nutritious food to maintain an active and healthy life. All of the six Cs are important in successfully carrying out our mission and to maintain balanced decision making.

With the demands of food distribution, we have to be nimble as we navigate each of these Cs so we can operate as efficiently as possible. We also have to think about the “C” in Covid as it forced us to be even more flexible as we work to help a growing number of people in need. It is such a foundational requirement for individuals to feel food secure. While all six Cs are important, compassion really stands out to me. It’s crucial for not only the staff to have compassion for clients, but for leadership to have compassion for staff. Fulfill team members are always taking care of others and their leadership team must ensure they are also taken care of by giving them a space where they can be supported.

When did you realize you wanted to work in the nonprofit world? Tell us about this journey.
While I was working in the corporate world, I went on a personal journey and ended up leaving my job to start my own business. This gave me the opportunity to really think about who I wanted to be and how I could truly show up for my clients. I established a connection to the community and to the nonprofits that served it.

When it was time for me to enter back into the “corporate” world, I wanted my work to be meaningful. I had already worked in the for-profit environment and it was time for me to use my experience to make an impact in the lives of others. I saw the opportunity at Fulfill and it immediately connected with me on a personal level. I could wrap my mind and heart around the mission and I wanted to learn more and do what I could to help those who are food insecure. I’m grateful to be able to do this each day.

What’s your favorite fun activity to do at the Central Jersey Shore?
I’m sure most people who live here say this, but going to the beach is at the top of the list. I love to ride my bike along the beach or sit with my feet in the sand and listen to the waves to unwind. I also love eating outdoors at restaurants during the summer. We have so many wonderful places at the Central Jersey Shore.

How do you practice self-care/stress relief?
Zumba! I am a Zumba instructor and practicing Zumba is complete freedom of expression. To close your eyes, enjoy the music and tune out life for an hour is a gift. It’s a time to put down all of the responsibilities we pick up and just shake it all off!

Do you have a favorite inspirational quote?
My favorite quote is part of a larger quote from Marianne Williamson: “As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

I was connected to this quote by a former boss years ago. I was in a large meeting and was talking to the people at my table. My boss walked by and heard what I was saying and he asked why I hadn’t spoken up to the entire room. He helped me realize that sharing your point of view and sharing your voice is needed in any room. As you share, others will be more confident and comfortable to share as well.