
It’s a New Grunin Capacity Year!

Written by Admin | Jan 2, 2021 6:15:00 PM

Last week, we kicked off our third year of Grunin Capacity (formerly Catapult Your Capacity) with a fun virtual event! While it was certainly different from last year’s celebration, we were able to incorporate some trivia, games, prizes and laughter. We started with some trivia questions that were a mix of nonprofit knowledge and random facts – do you know what a funambulist walks on? (Spoiler alert – it’s a tightrope). We ended with a pretty tough, but fun Rebus puzzle (click to check it out and have some fun of your own!), and talked about the year ahead in between all the friendly competition.

The 2021 Grunin Capacity theme is Knowledge, Possibility…Transcending the Norm.  We have a year planned full of engaging and valuable speakers and topics, including Virtual Lunch Hours. Our first Virtual Lunch Hour was February 10th on the topic of How have you redesigned the employee experience amidst the COVID crisis? Nonprofits discussed with their peers the actions and activities that they have initiated during the pandemic to keep teams and employees safe, secure, connected, and engaged. It was a collaborative and inspiring hour!

Our first Virtual Catapult Institute Workshop is a Fireside Chat with Dan Pallotta is coming up on March 1st. This is just the beginning of an incredible Grunin Capacity Year!

Visit our Grunin Capacity Events Page to learn more about our upcoming Grunin Capacity events for Nonprofits at the Central Jersey Shore!