Capacity Clinic (part of Grunin Capacity) takes you beyond the capacity building learning sessions and provides more individualized support such as 1:1 opportunities for individual leaders, invitation-only opportunities, custom training, and initiatives that require an application. Many are also Collaborations with other groups.
Below you will find our current Capacity Clinic offerings. More opportunities will be added as they become available so keep checking back!
1:1 Coaching with Traci Lester
As the Grunin Foundation grows opportunities for individual nonprofit leaders through our capacity clinic, 4-8 hours* of virtual 1:1 executive coaching with Traci Lester will be awarded to a selection of eligible nonprofit leaders.
An eligible candidate should have at least 3 years of experience in the nonprofit sector and be actively working in a nonprofit organization (full time or part time, paid or unpaid) located in, or serving, Ocean and/or Monmouth Counties; leaders in all roles and all service areas are welcome to apply.
Coaching is sponsored by the Grunin Foundation and provided at no cost to participants. However, all coaching conversations will stay confidential between the participant and Coach Traci; conversations, goals, results, etc. will not be shared with the Grunin Foundation or the participant's organization(s).