We are sharing Individual Preparedness Activities resources from FEMA. Keep reading for more!

Individual Preparedness Activities
Disasters happen. Prepare now by engaging your family, friends, and/or co-workers in these educational “What Would You Do?” scenarios. https://bit.ly/12PrepAct

Until Help Arrives: Learn how to act in emergency situations and provide life-saving care before professional help arrives. Training materials are available online https://community.fema.gov/PreparednessCommunity/s/until-help-arrives?language=en_US

Organizations Preparing for Emergency Needs (OPEN): OPEN helps organizations identify risks, learn essential preparedness steps and locate available resources to execute preparedness actions. English and Spanish materials are available online. https://community.fema.gov/PreparednessCommunity/s/open-training?language=en_US 
The CERT program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness and trains them on basic disaster response skills. Training materials are available in English, Spanish and other languages on the Ready.gov/CERT.

ICP hosts a Preparedness Webinar Series on a variety of topics ranging from preparedness for individuals with access and functional needs to getting ready for hurricane season. Visit https://bit.ly/FEMAR2WebinarCalendar to register for upcoming webinars. Watch Previously Recorded Webinars in 2023 Webinar Catalog: https://bit.ly/2023WebinarCatalog 

The biweekly Preparedness and Resilience e-Bulletin shares news, upcoming webinars and events, training opportunities, funding announcements, articles and preparedness tips. Subscribe to http://bit.ly/R2PrepBulletin to receive this resource designed with the whole community in mind.

Ready Youth Toolkit in a Box:  To build the next generation of emergency managers, R2 developed this toolkit which offers guidance on how to start a youth preparedness council or club. 

Student Tools for Emergency Planning (STEP) is an emergency preparedness course designed for students in fourth grade and above, with fun activities that can be used inside and outside of school. The program guides students on how to create emergency kits and family communication plans, while also teaching about specific hazards. https://bit.ly/FEMASTEP 

Become a Preparedness Ambassador and teach your community how to be better prepared. Schedule a training for your organization. Contact fema-r2-prepares@fema.dhs.gov for more information.

Additional Resources
READY.GOV: Visit Ready.gov (Listo.gov in Spanish) for preparedness tips, emergency plan templates, financial resilience guides, and more. Order free printed preparedness brochures at Ready.gov/Publications.
FEMA REGION 2 DIVISIONS: Learn more about FEMA Region 2’s Preparedness, Mitigation, Response, Grants and Recovery Divisions by visiting our website.
PARTNERS: Interested in cyber resiliency, health security and other preparedness topics? We can connect you with our partners at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and other federal agencies at fema-r2-prepares@fema.dhs.gov

Contact FEMA
Deborah Costa, Community Preparedness Officer
Race Hodges, Faith-based Coordinator
Mark Strohoefer, Institutions of Higher Education